Wednesday, 8 September 2010

Faction Leader Week

I was the faction leader of Millenion once, when Vugtis was away for a week or two. It wasn't really that special, all I did was summon the Colony Boss/es each day, changed faction notice and maybe change a few memos.

Currently, Seitai is away on vacation for a week to God knows where. xBrotherHoodx, DestinyRoyal, PeppermintTea and OuYang are all busy with work - which leaves idunno_4 and me to handle faction matters. With idunno_4's schedule still quite full, the position of faction leader was passed on to me ._. (insert fangirl/boy screams here). It feels awkward being the "leader" of people who are more senior than me, who are stronger, better equipped and more knowledgeable than me even if it's only temporary. 

For most factions, there isn't really a big difference between FL and DFL. The one big thing is that the FL can kick and change DFLs, whereas the latter cannot do the same to the former. But for an actively-raiding and colony-holding faction such as Eminence, holding the faction leader buff is huge. Because Eminence is holding 9 colonies, the Faction Leader Buff (FLB) a.k.a Leader's Brilliance comes with +30% ATK and +30 DEF. This great increase in attack helps in winning raids from competitors.

Leader's Brilliance

With great power comes great responsibility. LAME! But great power indeed. With Seitai's departure, a few raid items have been passed on to me. These include bracelets for Ice Wizard Tower & Gate of Lightning and rifles for Swamp Frog Fish, Uraeus and Griffon. I also have the responsibility to summon colony bosses every night and update important raid timings. Last but definitely not least, it's my responsibility to lead the Brain of Argus raid. I know I've been doing it for some time now, but this will be the first time where I will be in charge of the raid ._.

Holding the FLB for Eminence feels weird and uneasy, maybe because I never expected to reach this level in the game, or even when I joined Eminence. I was already surprised to be appointed Deputy, to be trusted with an increasing number of raid weapons and now, the FLB. I hope I don't disappoint.. or do something dodoish. It'll only last for a week, then I'm back to deputy.

To end this post on a lighter note,